Voting is now closed for our 2022 competition. Congratulations to our winners!
The results of the 2022 U21 3MT® Competition were:
U21 3MT® Global Winner - Merryn Baker, UNSW Sydney. 'Breath Analysis For Early Disease Detection'
U21 3MT® Highly Commended - Emilio Dal Re, University of Zurich. 'Coffee Rust: Unintended Consequences Of Organic Agriculture'
U21 3MT® People's Choice Prize - Paula Nunez Pizarro, UC Chile. 'Quillay Honey - A New Therapeutic Matrix'.
Congratulations to our winners and a huge thank you to everyone who entered and voted in this year's competition.
About the U21 3MT® Global Competition
U21's flagship competition invites PhD candidates from across the network to present their research in a short 3 minute video presentation (3MT®). In 2022, we have received 20 excellent entries, which have already won their own University's internal 3MT® and have now been put forward for U21's Global Competition.
Voting for the People's Choice Award is now closed but you can still watch this year's entries below. Check our website the week commencing 10 October to find out who has won the US$1000 prize!
Our Process
3MT® competitions are held across the U21 network by member universities, who challenge their graduate students by asking 'Can you explain your thesis in just three minutes?'. The winner from each of these rounds is then put forward for the U21 global final. Votes are cast both by the public and by an international panel of academic and industry professionals. The best explanation of a thesis in three minutes wins.
2022 U21 3MT® Global Competition Pabel
The judging panel for the U21 3MT® global final in 2022 included:
- Professor Jonathan Morris, Chair of the U21 Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research Training & Entrepreneurship and Dean of Graduate Research, UNSW
- Professor Jean-Pierre Delplanque, Vice Provost and Dean, Graduate Studies, University of California, Davis
- Dr. Verity Elston, Co-Director of the Graduate Campus, Université de Lausanne
- Emily Chang, Founder and Director ,Stoke
- Professor Jenny Dixon, Provost, Universitas 21