U21 University Mental Health Declaration

Universitas 21 and U21 Health Sciences Group have together launched the U21 University Mental Health Declaration.

Now more than ever, universities will be delivering education in the context of increased levels of stress and anxiety across their staff and student populations and this timely publication sets out U21’s collective set of 5 principles on University Mental Health.

U21 University Mental Health Declaration   Mental Health Resources

U21 University Mental Health Declaration Presentation








The 5 Principles are as follows:

Principle 1: The University and everyone in its community commits to its role in creating, promoting and sustaining a positive environment for optimal mental health and wellbeing amongst its staff and students.

Principle 2: Students and staff are at the heart of our concern; therefore all discussions and delivery of improved services around mental health will consult and engage with the community it aims to serve.

Principle 3: The University commits to its role in linking staff and students who require additional support for their mental health to professional and evidence-based mental health supports either on-campus or off-campus.

Principle 4: The University will facilitate the building of an evidence base through monitoring and evaluating the need for, and outcome and effectiveness of, all mental health and wellbeing policies, programs and services delivered by the University.

Principle 5: The University takes seriously and will address promptly, prejudice related to mental ill-health and will endeavour to foster a stigma-free environment of support and understanding.