The 2020 U21 Early Career Researcher Workshop was co-hosted with the Researcher Academy and the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham under unprecedented circumstances. Originally planned as a physical event, coordinators were challenged to transform a face-to-face workshop into a virtual offer to an international cohort. This case study, written collaboratively between University of Nottingham and U21, outlines the key challenges faced by the coordinators and how they were addressed, and present brilliant successes as well as failures and lessons learned. It is aimed at those running virtual events across universities, researcher developers and those trying to engage international cohorts of ECRs. The case study also provides access to templates, resources and tools created for the 2020 workshop.
Shineen Dewil and Tammy Greeno, Researcher Support Managers, University of Nottingham
Dr Connie Wan, Senior Manager (Network Development and Researcher Engagement), Universitas 21
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