The U21 Deans of Education group has met regularly since the first meeting in 2000 to discuss issues of common interest and to promote collegial interaction and collaborative projects.
Initially, meetings were annual, coincident with the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), but, as a variety of projects emerged, the group has met twice-yearly, the second meeting coinciding with the annual conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA).
These meetings have provided an important forum for the discussion of issues in Education of common interest and concern across the participating U21 institutions. Participation levels have been consistently high with never fewer than seven U21 institutions represented and frequently more than ten universities participating.
In addition, collaborations initiated through these meetings have led to the presentation of U21 Education symposia at both AERA and EERA conferences, the publication of a U21 feature issue on Teacher Education in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development (2003), and the promotion of a variety of staff and student exchange programmes.
Current initiatives being undertaken include the development of shared higher degree programmes and the establishment of a network of U21 doctoral students in Education. Goals:
- To share best practice in research and teaching in Education internationally.
- To identify and develop a wide range of collaborative projects, which are to the benefit to participating U21 Faculties of Education.
- To create opportunities for staff and student interaction and exchange.
- To establish databases and communicative networks to facilitate collaborative work and mobility among U21 staff and students in Education.