Research Collaboration Group

A group to promote research collaboration across U21, share knowledge on internationally available funding streams and provide funding advice to U21 researchers.


The Research Collaboration Group was established to share knowledge between U21 member institutions on funding streams which were available for international collaboration in order to facilitate researcher mobility and collaboration by jointly applying to funding bodies. The U21 Research Leaders nominate colleagues from within their offices who have responsibility for research funding and international collaboration.

The aims and objectives of the group include:

1.  An expert panel to assist and advise U21 researchers about international funding

One of the main barriers highlighted was lack of knowledge about how researchers can access international funding, as many are simply not always aware of the different funds available. It was noted that the ability to guide researchers to accurate information and, more importantly, a point of contact with regional expertise of those funding opportunities, would be a powerful tool.  It was decided that this group should act as regional experts who could respond to U21 researchers with technical assistance and knowhow to aid international funding bids.  A central, single point of contact would be provided and promoted around the network, and queries would be directed from this to the appropriate member of the panel.

2.  Researcher mobility

Many of the EU members noted a number of funding streams which could be accessed to assist with researcher mobility into and out of Europe.  A number of members expressed interest in seeing if U21 could collectively take advantage of these and agreed to work together following the meeting.

It was also noted that this group should share information concerning internal scholarships and fellowships, and additionally expressions of interest to host incoming researchers.  

3.  Project partnerships

As discussions progressed it became clear that different universities facilitated research bids in different ways.  Some members were happy with a top-down ‘facilitated’ method, whereas others chose to let researchers approach them when they needed assistance/advice in association with research funding. 

It was noted that not all members need to follow the same initiatives, but any members wishing to follow a top-down facilitated method could use the contacts within this group to explore possibilities. 

Dr Alison Butt, Director of Research Strategy at UNSW is the Chair of the Group. 

Key Contact


Representative Group